Back To School
The words that many children dread…”It’s almost back-to-school time!”. When my daughter was young, in our household it meant a time of...

Therapy, or Life Coaching? Critical Differences
What is your position on Life Coaching; do you recommend it? Is there anything I need to be aware of? Sincera Wellness, LLC has received...

Skinned Knees
Ever wonder if you’ll get it right? Ever make the same mistake again and again? I certainly have. At times in my life, I have sensed...

Get Up
Get up. Why is it that so many television programs show young people and adults languishing all over the bed during the daytime,...

How is anger working for you? I talk to a lot of people who, when they spend time reflecting on it, can allow themselves to be vulnerable...

The Four Horsemen
Let’s talk about horses. But this is no discourse on equestrian science, but about how we relate and communicate. In a sense, it’s...

Growth: Exacting A Cost
Mean people are miserable people. Misery loves company that will allow them to stay and feel miserable. What they cannot tolerate is...

Coparenting: A War That Doesn't Have to Happen
Ever heard the term “coparenting”? If you are a single, perhaps remarried parent sharing a child between you and a former partner while...

Self-Care Isn't Selfish
Self-care. It’s a new buzzword. At first glance, it can seem to imply self-absorption or even decadence. Real self-care is taking care...

The Grieving Process
Grieving a loss is different for different people. There is no formula, or manual on how to grieve correctly. Grief isn’t only about...